$15.95 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

This purchase includes access to the Storytime in the Schoolhouse subscription. Your card will be charged for membership each month. You can cancel at anytime. If you miss a payment, you will lose access to the online classroom and Facebook Community.

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Storytime Monthly Membership

  **Please note: If you have purchased from us previously, make sure you are logged in before you make this purchase.**

Create a consistent moment of connection with your child via Storytime in the Schoolhouse.

Monthly Cost: $15.95

No commitment. Cancel anytime from the dashboard.

Join me, Ms. Becca, in the schoolhouse every morning for a nature-based, secular, inclusive Storytime for young children. We will learn seasonal songs and poems, enjoy stories and puppet shows, and create beautiful seasonal crafts.

As a Storytime Member, you'll have immediate access to:

  • Our guide to creating a daily and weekly rhythm using our resources.
  • Storytime videos for every weekday of the current month.
  • Monthly Guidebooks (60+ pages) with crafts, recipes, and activities that coordinate with the stories and themes of Storytime.
  • Our online “Member Dashboard” allows you to access all subscription resources in one place.
  • Ability to stream episodes from our website or app.
  • A private Facebook group for members.