Goodbye, Winter! A story about spring's arrival

Goodbye, Winter! A story about spring's arrival

stories & storytelling

I love to recognize the shifting seasons through storytelling, especially in early childhood. There is magic in the first sign of spring or the first sign of autumn. Through storytelling, we can open children’s eyes to the magic of nature around them. 

The story “Goodbye, Winter, Goodbye” from our Purple Day podcast is a sweet nature-based story about the arrival of spring.

Curl up with your preschooler and enjoy the audio from our nature-based Storytime program. Together, you will learn spring circle time songs and a story about the arrival of spring, giving you a meaningful way to connect with your child while providing you with gentle, nature- and arts-based early childhood enrichment you can feel good about. 

Story: Goodbye, Winter, Goodbye

This is a simple story of the friendship of Father Winter and Sister Spring. They come together for a brief visit each year when the seasons transition. Sister Spring breathes her warm breath over the land, and the earth warms; green grass appears, and flowers begin to grow. Father Winter says farewell and returns to the hills to rest until next year. Sister Spring continues to do her work of bringing spring to the land.

Listen to the story in our Purple Day audio above. The audio episode begins with a short circle time and then shares the story of Goodbye, Winter, Goodbye.

Purple Day is a podcast from Storytime in the Schoolhouse®. You may enjoy the episode in the audio above, and you can save the Purple Day RSS feed here

Storytime in the Schoolhouse follows a weekly rhythm of songs, storytelling, and creative arts. To experience a full week of Storytime, click here to sign up for our free Storytime Seasonal Sampler.


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