A Little Finger Game | A fingerplay for Preschool & Kindergarten

circle time

Fingerplays and finger games are fun to add to life at home with your preschool or kindergarten child. You can add these to circle time, transitions, waiting times, and more! They are fun to incorporate, no matter how you do so.

In this video clip, you’ll learn the hand motions accompanying this simple finger play for children in preschool and kindergarten.

A Little Finger Game, by E.J. Falconer

Here is a house with a pointed door

Windows tall, and a fine flat floor.

Three good people live in the house.

One fat cat, and one thin mouse.

Out of his hole the mousie peeps

Out of his corner the kitty-cat leaps!

Three good people say “Oh, oh, oh!”

Mousie inside says “No, no, no.”

Practice the motions a few times on your own, and then share this simple fingerplay with your child.

This video is a clip from an episode of Storytime in the Schoolhouse®. We share the audio from our Monday episodes via our blog. If you’d like to hear the full episode this came from, which includes a complete circle time and the storytime, listen to the episode Tidy-Up Teddy/ a pedagogical tale about tidying up.

Storytime in the Schoolhouse is a creative arts-based enrichment program for early childhood. The program includes daily storytime videos with Waldorf-inspired circle times and storytimes. If you sign up for our Storytime Seasonal Sampler, you can sample a week from each season.

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