Little Round Schoolhouse®
Grandpa Ivy’s May Day Surprise | A story about flowers & friendship

Grandpa Ivy’s May Day Surprise | A story about flowers & friendship

purple day stories & storytelling

Looking for a story to tell for May Day this year? Listen to this episode of Purple Day from Storytime in the Schoolhouse and learn a May Day-themed story of friendship and kindness. Warning: your children might be inspired to create May Day baskets to share with neighbors!

I wrote this story, Grandpa Ivy’s May Day Surprise, for my school children to hear before our May Faire celebration. It was a lovely way to build excitement and prepare them for the festival. It’s also a sweet story about celebrating our friends and neighbors and it may encourage your children toward acts of kindness in your neighborhood.

Story: Grandpa Ivy’s May Day Surprise

Every year on the first day of May, Grandpa Ivy wakes up early and delivers baskets of flowers–May Baskets–to his neighbors and friends in Riverbend. This is how he continues the May Day celebration he loved as a child. For years, no one knew who was leaving the beautiful baskets, and Grandpa Ivy’s involvement remained a mystery. However, after many years, the people in Riverbend figured out it was Grandpa Ivy. They wanted to do something special to thank him. They worked together and decided to deliver baskets to him that year and then have a real May Day celebration with a May Pole, dancing, and delicious food.

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Are you interested in learning more gentle, nature-based, seasonal stories to share with your child? Storytime in the Schoolhouse follows a weekly rhythm of songs, storytelling, and creative arts. To experience a full week of Storytime, sign up for our free Storytime Seasonal Sampler.

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